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Sunday, June 13, 2010



Morgan Online - Abbreviations

This area is a mixture of Acronyms, Jargon, Abbreviations, and Rubbish (AJAR). The definitions provided in the linked document should not be construed as being correct. The latest version of AJAR is available as "The full Monty", that is to say a complete listing. To view the files on this page you will need installed on your computer either the free Adobe Acrobat Reader or the full version of Adobe Acrobat. Hit the AJAR link above for AJAR V.2.14 of the 10th of June 2008 (2.403 kb). I have just noticed that AJAR is twelve years old

An abbreviation is a shortening of a word, for example NOTAM is an abbreviation of notice to airmen. An acronym is a phrase formed from the initial letters of a group of words, for example ACE Allied Command Europe. Jargon is usually gibberish that people mistakenly think is clever to use, like "win, win situation". Rubbish is what you throw in your dustbin

This is a link to an extract of AJAR of Project Management abbreviations, terms and phrases

I started AJAR in frustration when working on construction of the "new" Oslo airport, which will be ten years old this year (2008 just in case I do not update this page before next year). It was quite confusing trying to understand Norwegians using aviation abbreviations and acronyms! in English, that was why I started compiling AJAR!

It is sort of weird, but I have noticed recently that AJAR has started to be cited as an abbreviation on the internet, almost as if it was a serious abbreviation!

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