This website allows you to quickly and easily search the 100 million word British National Corpus (1970s-1993). You may also be interested in other corpora that we have created, including the 400+ million word Corpus of Contemporary American English (1990-2009).
As with some other BNC interfaces, you can search for words and phrases by exact word or phrase, wildcard or part of speech, or combinations of these. You can also search for surrounding words (collocates) within a ten-word window (e.g. all nouns somewhere near paper, all adjectives near woman, or all nouns near spin).
With this architecture and interface, you can also easily find the frequency of words and phrases in any combination of registers that you define (spoken, academic, poetry, medical, etc). In addition, you can compare between registers -- for example, verbs that are more common in legal or medical texts, or nouns near break that are more common in fiction than in academic writing.
You can also easily carry out semantically-based queries of the corpus. For example, you can contrast and compare the collocates of two related words (little/small, rob/steal, men/women), to determine the difference in meaning or use between these words. You can find the frequency and distribution of synonyms for nearly 60,000 words and also compare their frequency in different registers, and also use these word lists as part of other queries. Finally, you can easily create your own lists of semantically-related words, and then use them directly as part of the query.
Anmolpreet’s Journey to IELTS Band 7.5
Today I would like you to meet Anmolpreet, an IELTS test taker from South
Asia, and here is why. Anmolpreet achieved an impressive Overall Band 7.5
in th...
3 hours ago
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